201 Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends And Make Them Laugh

If you want to make your friends laugh, you’ve come to the right spot. We’ve all messed up telling jokes or said some not-so-funny ones, but don’t worry about it. Sometimes, you just need to cheer everyone up quickly or show off your funny side. And those clever, silly, and cheeky jokes are perfect for those moments. Plus, laughing together can make your friendships stronger. So, don’t sweat it! We’re here to help you with a bunch of great jokes. Below, you’ll find 201 jokes that’ll make your friends giggle. Check them out!

Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends And Make Them Laugh

Here are a few funny jokes to share with your friends. Remember a couple of them so that next time your friend says, “Tell me something funny,” you’ll have something ready to go!

  1. What do dentists call theirย X-rays?ย Tooth pics!
  2. Why did the melon jump into the lake? It wanted to be a watermelon.
  3. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9!
  4. Grandma: Back in our days, you could buy bread, milk, soaps, spices, eggs, meat, all for a dollar.
    Little Kid: You canโ€™t do that now. They have CCTVs everywhere!
  5. When your teacher asks โ€œWhereโ€™s your homework?โ€ It took a sick day. It had too many problems.
  6. You canโ€™t trust atoms. They make up everything!
  7. Why wonโ€™t it hurt if you hit your friend with a 2-liter of soda? Because itโ€™s a soft drink!
  8. Why did the mushrooms get invited to all the best parties? He was a fun-gi!
  9. What has four wheels and flies? Garbage truck.
  10. I got fired from my job at the bank today. An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.
  11. ย What do you call an elephant that doesnโ€™t matter? An irrelephant.
  12. Dad, can you put my shoes on? No, I donโ€™t think theyโ€™ll fit me.
  13. Why do you smear peanut butter on the road? To go with the traffic jam.
  14. Where did Napoleon keep his armies? In his sleevies.
  15. Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.
  16. What kind of music do the mummies listen to? Wrap music.
  17. The broom was late today because it overswept last night!
  18. What happens if a seagull flies over the bay? It will become a bagel (Bay-gull)!
  19. What caused the bicycle to collapse? Because it was two tired.
  20. What does a sea monster snack on? Fish and ships.
  21. What music do planets like to listen to? Neptunes.
  22. What lights up a stadium? A match.
  23. Why do cemeteries have gates? Because people are dying to get in.
  24. How do you think the barber won the race? He took a shortcut.
  25. Two monkeys share an Amazon account. What do you call them? Prime mates!
  26. Why do they not play poker in the jungle? There are too many cheetahs.
  27. Which tea is hard to swallow? Reality.
  28. What is the easiest way to burn 1000 calories? Leave the pizza in the oven.
  29. The ball kept getting bigger and bigger. I was wondering why, and then it hit me.

Check out some dumb, silly jokes in our next section, and reward your friend with some gratifying laughter. Scroll down!

Dumb Jokes To Tell Your Friends

Here are some great jokes to share with your friends and family. Tell these random jokes to make people laugh without holding back.

Dumb Jokes To Tell Your Friends
  1. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space.
  2. Did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar? He got 12 months; they say his days are numbered.
  3. I used to be addicted to soap, but Iโ€™m clean now.
  4. There are two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
  5. Whatโ€™s the best part about living in Switzerland? Not sure, but the flag is a big plus.
  6. Why did the dog cross the road? To get to the barking lot!
  7. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
  8. A nurse told me, โ€œSorry for the wait!โ€ I replied, โ€œItโ€™s alright, Iโ€™m patient.โ€
  9. Working in a mirror factory is something I could totally see myself doing.
  10. Iโ€™m terrified of elevators, so Iโ€™m going to start taking steps to avoid them.
  11. Did you hear about the mathematician whoโ€™s afraid of negative numbers? Heโ€™ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
  12. Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrr!
  13. Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar. โ€œGet out of here!โ€, shouts the bartender. โ€œWe donโ€™t serve your type.โ€
  14. Can February March? No, but April May!
  15. What do you call a cold dog? A chili dog!
  16. What is Harry Potterโ€™s favorite method of getting downhill? JK Rolling.
  17. I had a construction joke to crack. But cannot do it now as it is still a โ€˜work in progressโ€™.
  18. What is a fake spaghetti called? An im-pasta.
  19. What is the term used for birds that stick together? Vel-crows.
  20. Why is that picture in jail? Because it was framed.
  21. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? Dino snore.
  22. How do you prepare holy water? By boiling the hell out of it.
  23. What starts and ends with โ€œEโ€ and has a letter in it? Envelope.
  24. This thing runs around the yard but doesnโ€™t move. What is it? The fence.
  25. What did one wall say to the other? Meet you at the corner.
  26. Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens werenโ€™t evolved then.
  27. What did the frog order at the cafe? French flies.
  28. Which key opens a banana? Mon-key.
  29. How to make an Apple Upside Down? Push it down the hill.

Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends At School

Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends At School

If you’re wondering which jokes to tell during school hours, you’ve come to the right place!

  1. Why was the torch happy? It was lit.
  2. What gets more wet the more it dries? A towel!
  3. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it did not peel well.
  4. Why should you never trust stairs? Theyโ€™re always up to something.
  5. Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? Thereโ€™s no menu: You get what you deserve.
  6. A bear walks into a bar and says, โ€œGive me a whiskey and โ€ฆ cola.โ€
    โ€œWhy the big pause?โ€, asks the bartender. The bear shrugged. โ€œIโ€™m not sure; I was born with them.โ€
  7. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved.
  8. Why were the parents so afraid of the energy drink? It was a Monster!
  9. What kind of shorts do clouds wear? Thunder pants
  10. Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.
  11. What do pampered cows produce? Spoiled milk.
  12. Why did the cat run away from the tree? It was afraid of the bark! Its bark scared him?
  13. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator
  14. What does a house wear? Address!
  15. How do you fix a broken tomato? Tomato paste!
  16. The ketchup blushed at the table. Why? It saw the salad dressing.
  17. What do you call a can opener that doesnโ€™t open? A canโ€™t opener!
  18. What is a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary called? Thesaurus.
  19. Why is the obtuse triangle always frustrated? Do whatever; it is never right.
  20. What do you call two math-loving guys? Algebros.
  21. Who should you never trust a person writing on graph paper? He is plotting something.
  22. A number that canโ€™t stay in place. Roamin numeral.
  23. Why is the mathematics book sad? It had too many problems.
  24. Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal? Because it had to convert.
  25. A math teacher had four apples in one hand and five in the other. What did she have altogether? Two big hands.
  26. What did โ€˜0โ€™ say to โ€˜8โ€™? Nice belt.
  27. What did the ocean say to his friends? He didnโ€™t say anything. He just waved.
  28. What kind of water doesnโ€™t freeze? Hot water.
  29. Which dog breed can jump higher than a skyscraper? Any dog. A skyscraper canโ€™t jump.

You never know how your jokes will make people react. Your friends might not be sure whether to groan or laugh when you tell these funny, silly jokes. Keep reading to find more jokes that’ll make you laugh.

Stupid Jokes To Tell Your Friends

Stupid Jokes To Tell Your Friends
  1. The first rule of the Alzheimerโ€™s club isโ€ฆ Wait, where are we again?
  2. How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh? Ten tickles.
  3. Why did the farmer win an award? He was outstanding in his field!
  4. I told my doctor that I had broken my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places.
  5. Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe!
  6. Just went to an emotional wedding โ€” even the cake was in tiers.
  7. My teachers told me Iโ€™d never amount to much since I procrastinate so much. I told them, โ€œJust you wait!โ€
  8. How come teddy bears never want to eat anything? Because theyโ€™re always stuffed.
  9. Whatโ€™s a plantโ€™s favorite drink? Root beer!
  10. Who cleans the ocean? Mer-maids!
  11. A magician was driving down the road and turned into a driveway.
  12. Just finished a box of Corn Flakes. You can check out my cereal killer Netflix special next Tuesday.
  13. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, โ€œWhy the long face?โ€
  14. I stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sun was. Then it dawned on me.
  15. I invented a new word! Plagiarism!
  16. Name a dog that can do magic. Labracadabrador!
  17. Why didnโ€™t the bullet come to work today? Because he got fired.
  18. Which is Minnie Mouseโ€™s favorite car? A Minnie van.
  19. In a race, how did one tomato cheer the other? Ketchup!
  20. You see a robbery in an Apple store. What are you? An I-witness.
  21. How did the buffalo bid adieu to his son? Bison!
  22. The duck bought lip gloss and said what? Put it on my bill.
  23. Why didnโ€™t the prawn share his treasure? Because he was shellfish.
  24. You get this every year on your birthday. What is it? A year older.
  25. What has two legs but canโ€™t walk? A pair of pants.
  26. The boy threw a piece of butter out the window. Why? He wanted to see a butterfly.
  27. Why does the giraffe have a long neck? Because it has smelly feet.
  28. What would you do if an elephant sat on your fence? Get a new fence.
  29. It wonโ€™t hurt if you hit with a 2-liter Coke bottle. Why? Because it is a soft drink.

Chloรซ, a blogger, is sharing homemade jokes, both her own creations and those from her childhood memories. She mentions, “I like my jokes clean and funnyโ€”and I’m not afraid to admit I enjoy a good pun.” The writer encourages playful thinking throughout the post.

For some amusing and cheesy knock-knock jokes to keep everyone guessing, head to our next section. These jokes are bound to knock your friends’ socks off. Let’s take a look!

Funny โ€˜Knock Knockโ€™ Jokes To Tell Your Friends

Share these funny jokes with confidence and good delivery to easily capture the attention of your audience.

Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends And Make Them Laugh
  1. Knock! Knock! Whoโ€™s there? Candice. Candice who? Candice door open, or am I stuck out here?
  2. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Jimmy. Jimmy who? Jimmy crack corn, and I donโ€™t care!
  3. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Amish. Amish who? Really? You donโ€™t look like a shoe.
  4. Knock, knock. Whoโ€™s there? Luke. Luke who? Luke through the peephole and find out.
  5. Knock, knock Whoโ€™s there? Nun. Nun who? Nun of your business!
  6. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in itโ€™s cold out here.
  7. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Snow. Snow who? Snow use. I forgot my name again!
  8. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Closure. Closure who? Closure mouth while youโ€™re chewing!
  9. Knock, knock. Whoโ€™s there? Alice. Alice who? Alice fair in love and war.
  10. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Olive. Olive who? Olive, you and I donโ€™t care who knows it!
  11. Knock! Knock! Whoโ€™s there? Robin. Robin who? Robin youโ€”hand over the cash!
  12. Knock, knock. Whoโ€™s there? Euripides. Euripides who? Euripides clothes, you pay for them!
  13. Knock! Knock! Whoโ€™s there? Stopwatch. Stopwatch who? Stopwatch youโ€™re doing and pay attention!
  14. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Rhino! Rhino who? Rhino, every knock-knock joke there is!
  15. Knock knock. Whoโ€™s there? Broken pencil. Broken pencil who? Never mind, thereโ€™s no point!
  16. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Justin. Justin who? Justin the town, thought would say hi.
  17. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Spell. Spell Who? WHO.
  18. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? Ice cream for you to hear me.
  19. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Howl. Howl who? Howl you know if you donโ€™t open.
  20. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Figs. Figs who? Figs the bell. I have been ringing for so long.
  21. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you.
  22. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Isabel. Isabel who? Isabel not working?
  23. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Annie. Annie who? Is Annie body home?
  24. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Hatch. Hatch who? God bless.
  25. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Nobel. Nobel who? Nobel. Thatโ€™s why I knocked.
  26. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Kenya. Kenya who? Kenya open the door.
  27. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Mikey. Mikey who? Mikey isnโ€™t working. Can you let me in?
  28. Knock, Knock. Who is there? Boo. Boo who? Why are you crying, itโ€™s just a joke.

Looking to put a smile on your friend’s face? Why not exchange some jokes over text to stay connected and help them laugh away their problems?

Jokes To Tell Your Friends Over Text

Jokes To Tell Your Friends Over Text
  1. What do you call the process of aging for snowmen? Evaporation.
  2. A good friend can finish your sentencesโ€ฆ a best friend will do the same, but make it sound 10 times dirtier
  3. Father: Son, did you give fresh water to your pet goldfish?
    Son:ย Nope. They are yet to finish the water that I gave to them last week!
  4. Kid: Where do pirates go when they are sick?
    Dad: Where?
    Kid: They go to the dock!
  5. Wife: Here, look at that drunk guy. We were supposed to get married 10 years ago.
    Me: Wow, he is still celebrating. Lucky guy!
  6. Boy: How many lips does a flower have?
    Dad: How many?
    Boy: Tu-lips!
  7. Boy: How does a squid prepare itself for battle?
    Me: How?
    Boy: It goes to a battle well-armed!
  8. Student: Do you know what you will get if you ever cross a vampire with a snowman?
    Teacher:ย I donโ€™t know. What will you get?
    Student: You will get frostbite!
  9. What do you have when both your son and daughter text you to lend them $100 each? You have $200 and two unread messages on your cell phone!
  10. What did I reply when my wife texted that she was having a terribly stressful day at work and was losing her entire mind? I texted back, โ€˜Relax. Itโ€™s just in your headโ€™.
  11. What did the college student do when he needed to get in-text citations for his paper on insurance and finance? He decided that he would get a quote!
  12. Me: Itโ€™s movie night. Are we having any friends over?
    Rick: Ten people are coming. We need thirteen more.
    Me: Why?
    Rick: Because it is a 13+ movie.
  13. The guy who invented auto-correct for smartphones passed away today. Restaurant in peace.
  14. Little boy: Which is the only instrument that is an absolute favorite among all skeletons?
    Little girl: No idea. What is it?
    Little boy: It is a trom-bone!
  1. Husband: What is the best way to define a pile made out of simply cats?
    Wife: What do you call it?
    Husband: You must call it a meow-ntain!
  2. What is a fish without an eye? Fsh.
  3. Me: I lost my shoes at the party. I think it is a fairy tale.
    My Friend: No, itโ€™s because you were drunk.
  4. What do you say when a snowman throws a tantrum? He is having a meltdown.
  5. Why werenโ€™t the melons getting married? They cantaloupe.
  6. Humpty Dumpty loved autumn. Why? Because he had a great fall.
  7. Two peanuts were walking in the town. But one was a-salted.
  8. How do you host a space party? You Planet.
  9. A dinosaur crashes his car. What do you call him? Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.
  10. A door is not a door. When? It is ajar.
  11. Why are the Irish wealthy? Their capital is Dublin.
  12. A priest became a lawyer. What would you call him? Father-in-law.
  13. How do you get an octopus to laugh? With ten-tickles.
  14. Why are mountains funny? They are hill areas.
  15. A bee couldnโ€™t make up his mind. What do you call him? A maybe.

Here are some April Foolsโ€™ Day jokes to share with your friends that are actually believable. They’re not mean, over-the-top, or intended to make anyone cry. Use these ideas to surprise (or amuse) your friends, peers, and roommates.

April Foolsโ€™ Day Jokes To Tell Your Friends

  1. A and C were going to prank their friendโ€ฆBut they just letter B.
  2. Why was everyone so tired on April 1st? Because they just finished a long 31-day March.
  3. Whatโ€™s the biggest difference between Thanksgiving and April Foolโ€™s Day? On one, youโ€™re thankful, but on the other, youโ€™re prankful.
  4. Iโ€™m going to pull an April Foolsโ€™ Day prank on my landlord by not paying rent. The rent isnโ€™t due today; youโ€™re just kidding!
  5. Who needs a day for the fools when youโ€™re surrounded by them all year?
  6. April 1 is named April Foolsโ€™ Day after Steve April. He was born on the 1st of April back in 1579. He ran many businesses and was actually quite prosperous in his ventures, but he lost all of his fatherโ€™s assets late in his life. After this, everyone started calling him the father of fools. At one point, he even married a woman whoโ€™s older than him, and she divorced Steve because he was so foolish. He used to read and believe all kinds of fake stories, just like you are now. Happy April Foolsโ€™ Day, you gullible fool.
  7. April Foolsโ€™ Day is canceled this year because everything after March 2020 has been a prank.
  8. I would wish you a happy birthday, but I canโ€™t tell if youโ€™re lying about being born on April 1.
  9. Who needs April Foolsโ€™ when your whole life is a joke?
  10. I donโ€™t always joke on April Foolsโ€™ Day. Just kidding, I do.
  11. The easiest targets to prank on April Foolsโ€™ Day? People who were born on March 31. Why? Because they were literally born yesterday.
  12. April 1: The only day people question whether the internet is lying to them.
  13. You should know that no one understood it was an April Foolsโ€™ jokeโ€ฆ Because no one expected you to have a sense of humor.
  14. What did April Foolsโ€™ Day say after it won an award?ย Prank you!
  15. Which day of the year do monkeys like best? The first of Ape-ril!
  16. What is a monster that celebrates April Foolโ€™s Day? Prankenstein.
  17. Which is the worst day to propose? April Foolโ€™s Day.
  18. What goes up with the April showers? The umbrella.
  19. What did summer say to spring? I am going to fall.
  20. I was going to tell a hilarious story from when I was on a plane on April Foolโ€™s Day, but I donโ€™t think it will fly.
  21. April brings May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
  22. Why does April jump so high? It is spring.
  23. Why do companies launch new products on April Foolโ€™s Day? So that they can say it was a prank if it isnโ€™t well received.
  24. On April 1st, trust no one. Just like any other day.
  25. What is your favorite April Foolโ€™s prank? Pretending to my mom that I am going to leave the couch.
  26. Why do eggs like April Foolโ€™s Day? They like practical yolks.
  27. What do you call a bear wet in April showers? A Drizzly Bear.
  28. What if April Fools Day was actually on April 2nd, and we were fooled to believe it was on April 1st?

If you often struggle to come up with jokes for your friends, the suggestions above can provide you with some good ideas. Whether they’re simple, silly jokes or clever, witty puns, ensure your jokes are suitable for the age, setting, and situation. While it’s okay to tease your friends with jokes occasionally, ensure they’re well-intentioned and not offensive or rude. Speak naturally and effortlessly to allow your friends to enjoy some lighthearted moments and join in the fun and laughter. However, be mindful and stay aware to ensure you’re being sensitive to others and not causing offense with your jokes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the ideal approach to timing my jokes in social situations?

Delivering a joke smoothly and at the right pace, with a brief pause just before the punchline, can help you nail the timing perfectly in social settings.

How can I ensure my jokes match the age group of my friends?

Being mindful of the content of your jokes and periodically assessing whether it suits the age of your audience can help ensure appropriateness.

How can I gauge if my friends will find my jokes amusing?

Test the waters by sharing a similar joke to see their reaction. Additionally, considering each person’s personality and sense of humor can help avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

What kinds of jokes are suitable for all ages?

Jokes involving wordplay, puns, or light-hearted humor are generally appropriate for all ages. Knock-knock jokes or amusing one-liners are also good choices.

How can I avoid telling offensive jokes to my friends?

Steer clear of humor that’s sexist, racist, or discriminatory. Being mindful of your audience’s backgrounds and beliefs is crucial in ensuring your jokes are inclusive and respectful.

Key Takeaways

  • Sharing humorous jokes with friends can brighten their day and foster memories filled with laughter and affection.
  • It’s important for individuals to speak naturally, confidently, and choose jokes that are not offensive, racist, sexist, or inappropriate.
  • If uncertain whether friends will appreciate a new joke, test the waters by sharing one similar to those they typically find amusing to observe their reaction.

Have a blast with your friends! Watch this video for some top-notch jokes to share with them! These are sure to have you all laughing out loud and snickering!

The Focus Unlimited